Christmas letters update

Family letters
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I have been really bad about writing my annual letters over the past few years so I finally caught up. I had written one for 2001 but didn't send out Christmas cards that year so nobody got to read it. I didn't write a letter at all for 2002-2005 so I finally got around to it and did them all at once a few months ago. For 2006, I actually wrote it on time, but again I didn't send any Christmas cards out so it will only be showing up here on my website. I have also added some pictures to all of the letters and put in links to other pictures in the media gallery for all of the events mentioned in the letters.

You can see everything here.


We're having another girl!

General News

The pregnancy is going well so far. The Amniocentesis test results showed no genetic anomalies and that we would be having another girl. The diagnostic ultrasound a little after showed that the baby was growing well and healthy (knock on wood). Since we know the sex of the baby now, we also picked a name, "Bianca Isablelle".

I've been continuing to add new scans of our ultrasounds as we get them. You can see them here.