Am I missing any names?

General News
I modified the theme templates of the site a little, mostly to make room for a larger logo image. I just couldn't get all of the names in the smaller space I had before and still have them readable. What do you think? Have I missed any names? I'm sure I did. Leave a comment if you see any I need to add. Thanks.

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Media Gallery added

I added the Media Gallery plugin and created a new album called Camila which includes 1347 pictures. Let me know what you think.
<a href=""></a>

It was a little more time-consuming to add albums and media so I probably won't be adding anything new until late next month after we get back from our trip to Guatemala to introduce Camila to her Grandma.

Forum added

I added a phpBB2 forum plugin made by Turias today.
<a href=""></a>

The Daily Dilbert thing never really worked right so I took it down for now.

Hopefully, I'll get a chance to put up the Media Gallery v1.2.1 by Mevans in the next day or two.
<a href=""></a>

heading problem

The Chirrick heading is white letters on a white background so i can't read it. The blue banner is a nice shade and I can read the white letters of 'My family and yours.'
I'm looking forward to learning how to do all this too!
Thanks for the opportunity dear Bill!!

Welcome to is here! Please bear with me since I have no idea what I'm doing and it may take awhile to get this site setup the way I want. My old site will remain up for anyone who wants to see it at And I'm also hosting my mom's site at, but there isn't much there yet.
