Oregon 2006 Jan

Oregon News
From: Mary
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:02 PM
Hi,..an afterthought with my Oregon trip.......
I never realized how much Dad values his Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy stuffed dolls on the wooden swing. For a couple of mornings, I found them on the floor. What had happened.... is that Dad sometimes is up at night and walks here or there and doesn't realize that he's knocked Ann and Andy onto the floor. Since I was concerned about him falling over them while he's checking the thermostat or wandering around, I moved Ann and Andy to a different end table in the living room. Dad was still in bed when I did this and then I left to go and see Mom. When I returned home, Dad was in the shower. On the refrigerator was a note....""Where is Raggedy Ann and Andy?"" Then, later I found 3 messages on my cell phone asking me where Raggedy Ann and Andy were. (he wasn't sure that the second message was recorded so that is why there were 3 messages).. ......So, I showed him where I moved them and told him why I moved them. He told me that there's an interesting story behind the origin of Raggedy Ann and Andy and that he gave a speech about it. So, for future reference, please take very, very good care of his Raggedy Ann and Andy. He treasures them. I guess I need to look up the origin of Ann and Andy and learn more about them...
love, Mary

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Oregon 2005 Nov Tom's visit, Mom to nursing home

Oregon News
From Tom: Oct 29, 2005
Hi siblings,
I arrived Saturday and was met by Kittiara Amelia Rene and her grandmother Sue. Sue did the driving back to RR. The baby slept in the back seat. Met the clan. Visited Rogue River and went to Grants Pass.
Dad had the cruise ship hospitality ready.....two pieces of hard candy on the dresser next to the bed. Mother said she was surprised by the visit. We chatted and planned the next day. Dinner out and then some gambling.
Sunday, went to church with Dad. Met Bill Bradley (usher) who said to say hello to mother.
After the chores were done... Went to JJ North....met Margaret and Mother.
Margaret took off shopping. The 3 of us then had buffet delight.
Margaret came back...and we all went to the Peterson abode for some serious gambling...

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Oregon 2005 Dec Mary's visit

Oregon News
From Mary:
Hello everyone,
Here is the beginning of the story of my time here in Oregon.
I arrived on Saturday at 1:00 ish. Colleen and Aunt Margaret warmly welcomed me at the airport. Stopped to drop off pies at Aunt Kathy's, stopped and said hello to Johnny, Kayla and Lori, and then off to Grandpa's I went.
Colleen, Grandpa and I visited with one another. Colleen began her collection of reading material from Grandpa (his stuff will give her a break from studying). We ate dinner and chatted. We also enjoyed some wonderful music from the CD that Matthew and Colleen made for Grandpa.

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Oregon 2005 Dec Diane's visit

Oregon News
From: Diane
Oregon Dec 2 "Happy Birthday Carol!!! It was fun calling you for your birthday with Mom & Dad. At first Dad thought it would be too hard on Mom but he happily changed his opinion when Mom enjoyed talking to you on the phone.....even though she said you were my Mother at one point!! Mom sang “Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me” with a big smile on her face. Mom asked Carol which one she was (or something like that). Carol answered “the cute one”! Excellent response!! Mom was funny holding the cell phone in her lap and trying to press buttons to start talking.....amazing we didn't get disconnected!! Dad & I are going back to Royale Gardens to visit Mom tomorrow afternoon and we'll call Mary for her birthday! We'll also double check on how to receive incoming phone calls.
It was difficult for me to walk into the nursing home to visit Mom. Dad knew Mom's room was A15 and the wing was on the right side but it was the left side. Mom was sitting in the hall with two other ladies. She lights up when she sees Dad and asks if she can come home now. Dad tells her Dr. Selinger says she needs to stay until she gets better. I hear we blame everything on Dr. Selinger to keep Mom's peace with us. Mom ignored me for the first 15 minutes and that, of course, was okay. Mom looks well but small and a bit slumped in her wheelchair. Her calves have two nasty gashes and bruises from her fall a few weeks ago but are healing nicely and are not swollen. It's a bit heart wrenching when she's struggling to make sense of things but there was no drama, nor tears. Mom read a story (from Dad) about an Irish nursing home which adding a pub (stopped inhabitants from boredom and drew more visitors!). Mom's reading ability is definitely declining. Dad went to show Robin the story and talk to the staff about Mom. Mom & I did leg lifts for some exercise. Mom & I walked around the front lobby and then meandered to her room. Her room is spacious (thanks Margaret for getting the unused 3rd bed out of there) and her bed and chair have a great view out the window. Mom called it home since her pictures are up on the wall but didn't want to get out of her wheelchair. I sat on the bed twice and set off the alarm! CNA Fawn was quick to respond and friendly with Mom. We stayed visiting for 1 1/2 hours! It was difficult to leave but we assured Mom we'd be back the next day (Dad's idea). We took Mom to the TV lounge for distraction but it wasn't very effective. Fawn took Mom for some juice and we left.

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Oregon 2005 - Aug to Oct w/Diane's visit

Oregon News
From: Sue Cotner
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 9:18 PM
greeting siblings..... an update on the folks...... Dad had multiply skin lesions removed last week...... 6 burnt and 3 actually cut out ..... none sutured...... he is self absorbed in the healing process and struggles to maintain........ he is most grateful to all for ongoing help...... we have been there for hours daily since return..... eye doc appointment was Monday...... his vision remains blurry in operative eye and narrowing ...however his iop(intraocular pressure) was great....15....started at 58 prior to trebeckulectomy ..the doc was more than please with the surgery and compliment both himself and Dad for a job well done... he has released Dad to do his exercise... but he is not willing to do much as he is afraid that lesions will start bleeding. .so hopefully in the next few days he'll get into some wee bit of exercise.....left eye, which he stopped his medication went from 22 when boots was here to 28 at appointment.... so was a bit chastise and told to return to drops which he agreed too.... no plans for surgery on that eye for at least 2 months....... he is eating well …into halibut this week...he.. talked to Mom today and she did fine.....seems to be accepting the fact that her and Dad will not be living together again...spent day with Mom today and she informed me that I was much easier to raise than Margaret....however about two minutes prior she thought she was Margaret and asked me how I was related... I reply... I'm Margaret sister' and she was contented.... quite chatty today indeed....... so thoughts for Dad.... perhaps call him after 3ish or 4ish...he seems to want to talk and I’m all talked out for tonight......q

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Oregon 2005 June Carol & Danny's visits

Oregon News
From Carol:
June 13, 2005
Hello all, I was picked up at the airport by Greg, Mary and Mom....... Mary went home and we went to Grants Pass.... Mom looks good physically... I think she lost some weight..... Dropped Greg and my luggage off and Mom and I went to lunch to JJ north to meet Dad.... Dad arrived shortly after we just got there and approached Mom with a beautiful lily from the yard for his lily....was very cute.... lunch was a little stressed.(but not too bad).... Mom with lots of questions and then gets very irritated if I would answer while she was asking a question.....she wanted DAD to answer.. tried to change conversation and she getting a little irritated... changing the subject she would say....went to see Dads spiffy new car while Dad was eating his dessert...... Mom doesn’t understand if he has money for a new car she knows he has money to pay for help to come in the house and help her stay with her husband....... on the ride back to Margaret’s lots of talking about who is making decisions and why hasn’t anyone asked her what she wants... She said she wants to go to heaven and asks God why He is doing this ..she wants to just be up there with Him if she can’t go home to her house with her husband.... Heather was doing Margaret’s hair when we arrived home so it is so nice to have different people come and go to visit and distract Mom.... Sue and Dave came up for a bit.... Then I took Mom for a walk.... Up the end of the block and then around the block and stopped and visited outside with the Allensworth gang..... Then around the corner and stopped and visited Sue and Dave outside while finishing dinner.... Back to Margaret’s then I went over to Dad’s to do eye drops and sleep..... Dad seems ok it will be anxious to see what doctor says... he and Sue going to appt at 1:30 or so today.... Dad said he was tired last night so didn’t want me to do anything around the house.... we visited about the pope and rosary etc.... than off to bed we went... now its time to go relieve Sue who had night duty last night and Dad duty today.... Margaret has 4 days of school left... till next time.....

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Oregon 2005 March

Oregon News
3/1 9pm

Mom is here--she had some rough times at Susan's this afternoon--but has been very civil here tonight. We had dinner, made cookies, did dishes, watched TV--chatted with Diane-she seem more adjusted than last time--but it may not last--but it may last too--love to all Margaret

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