Oregon 2004 March Carol's visit

Oregon News
Hello to all,

My hats off to the Oregon crowd and dad for the wonderful care of mom that you are doing..... WOW what a task...... Her mind is definitely slipping and very hard to get around. Her leg doesn’t want to work...... I was glad to see upon arrival that mom has finally realized how good dad is to her.... Mentioned it quite a few times during my visit. There doesn’t seem to be as much knit picking towards dad from mom as previous visits.... Mom says dad is kind, gentle, and good to me...
While I was walking with dad one day he said mom told him on the way to the airport to pick me up that Mom really liked Dad’s Father and that is why she stayed with Dad. He also said when they were younger, the boys and he used to say don’t chase after a car or a girl there will be another one come along soon...... Dad and I went to the store one day and he opened my side of the door with the key to get in and I reached over and unlocked his door then he told me that a way you would think about keeping a girl for a wife would be if she reached over and unlocked your door she might be a keeper. If the girl did not open your door you should get rid of her. We talked about some of there travels..... Dads favorite trip was the trip to Taiwan.
He said that was the best...... mom going on the back of the motorcycle with a nun. Never been on one before. When leaving a lady asked why they had to go and dad said to go back to work and the lady reached in her bra and handed dad a $100 bill. He turned it over to Tom afterwards and Tom said dad had to take it or it would be an insult to the women. Going to a dinner and they put a little bit of wine in a glass for dad and he smelled it and swished it around (He saw them do that on TV ) so that’s how he knew what to do..... I said see TV can be good sometimes..... The people at the table thought dad was some classy guy like a wine connoisseur..... On the way back form Tawain they went to Hawaii..... There was a pretty intoxicated man on the flight..... He was standing up land the stewardess said sir you will have to sit down we are preparing to land and the guy said you may be landing but I'm just taking off. Then he turns and gets real close to dad face and says "What happened to your nose? Did you pay the doctor yet?" Dad told him he was kicked with an iron pail it bleed for 3 days he didn’t go to the dr. He finally sat down. A few months later they were at a right to life dinner in line to meet a retired colonel and the first thing the man says to dad is what happened to your nose? Did you ever pay the doctor?
Margaret not testing into St. Albert’s and dad talking to the cook at another school whose sister had connections to St Albert’s to get Margaret in.....
Mom said sometimes dad would come home on the train with her to her house and nanny would get mad because dad was from Rego Park and she felt he could not eat what they were eating for dinner and would send down for a steak for dad..... They were very poor and couldn’t afford to do that but Nanny did anyway.
Mom remembers taking a ride in her dads taxi sometimes and people would think they were rich but it was just because that was here dads way of taking them somewhere sometimes.
Mom went to Brunswick High... She liked a boy named Gus Nasta he worked at the vegetable store and they would wave to one another. He was killed somehow... He had a twin brother and he tried to be friendly with mom but he had hand trouble so she didn’t go with him......... She wanted to know if I knew anyone who had hand trouble? I quickly changed the subject.
One time mom was shopping with some kids and the stroller and she went into a store and left the stroller outside with groceries in it. When she came out the groceries were gone and so the stroller always went into the store with her....
One evening we watched the 50th anniversary tape which mom watches quite often and I hadn’t seen since the 50th.... Twas nice to see and laugh....After that tape we watched an opera tape that dad thoroughly enjoys he sings along with it and thinks he is good. On an innocent note mom tells him after a song Its too bad your mother did not give you singing lessons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dad and I are laughing about it and mom says no I am serious you seem to like this so well its too bad you never got any lessons.
Had a birthday dinner for Margaret mom made soup and very surprised that evening that her crock pot was on the table been eaten up by everyone. She had forgotten that what she made it for. The next day she went to eat some roast beef and the potato skins were in the bag instead of the roast beef and she was sure I put them in there.
Went to RR one evening and chatted with the siblings, younger generation and extended family members...... The great things the Glennon’s have passed on to the future generations, moles, freckles, noses, allergies, tongue tied....... Had lots of laughs. First kisses, first dances...........We think that someone should try to plan a reunion with cousins, siblings and spouses,etc to go on a cruise.... so there is lots to do and no one has to cook....... Plan for a few years from now........
Twas a good visit but hard to see the folks definitely getting older and to be so far and unable to help...... If there is anything I can do from here do not ever hesitate to ask.
Love to all,
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